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Small nucleolar RNA Z165
Small nucleolar RNA Z165 is a non-coding RNA (ncRNA) molecule which functions in the modification of other small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs). This type of modifying RNA is usually located in the nucleolus of the eukaryotic cell which is a major site of snRNA biogenesis. It is known as a small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) and also often referred to as a guide RNA.
snoRNA Z165 belongs to the C/D box class of snoRNAs which contain the conserved sequence motifs known as the C box (UGAUGA) and the D box (CUGA). Most of the members of the box C/D family function in directing site-specific 2'-O-methylation of substrate RNAs.
snoRNA Z165 was originally identified in the mouse genome and the rat genome.
External links
Category:Small nuclear RNAQ:
Get all property names of a class
I would like to find all properties in a class, any where it is referenced.
For example, given the class
public class Foo
public string FooBar { get; set; }
public int FooBaz { get; set; }
public string ThisIsASubPropertyThatIWantToReport { get; set; }
public bool NoIWantToReportThisOne { get; set; }
I would like to return a list with all properties in this class that were referenced in a class. Not the whole class (Foo), but specifically the properties within Foo (as opposed to properties on the containing object/class).
I could do something like this
public IEnumerable GetPropertyNames(Type type)
if(type == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
if(!type.IsDefined(typeof(CustomNamespace).Namespace)) 0b46394aab
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