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NSDUH data for children can also be used to estimate the number of children who live with at least one parent who has ever received treatment for an SUD. Children in the United States with at least one parent who has received treatment for an SUD may be at increased risk for negative health, behavioral, and educational outcomes, including poorer physical health, increased mental health risk factors, increased risk for negative health-related behaviors (e.g., substance use), and special education and school dropout.12,13
The estimated number of children living with an SUD, alcohol use disorder, or illicit drug use disorder remained statistically unchanged between 2009 and 2014. The estimated number of children living with an SUD, alcohol use disorder, and illicit drug use disorder was estimated at 13.0 million in 2009, and it was estimated at 13.0 million in 2014. Figure 2 shows estimated numbers of children living with each of these disorders.
Between 2009 and 2014, the estimated number of children aged 17 or younger who live with an SUD, alcohol use disorder, or illicit drug use disorder did not change. The estimated number of children living with an SUD, alcohol use disorder, or illicit drug use disorder remained statistically unchanged. Based on data from the 2009 to 2014 NSDUH survey, the estimated number of children aged 17 or younger living with an SUD, alcohol use disorder, or illicit drug use disorder was 13.0 million (Figure 1).
After data for 1999–2014 NSDUH were analyzed, the estimated number of children living with an SUD, alcohol use disorder, or illicit drug use disorder was estimated at 12.2 million. The estimated number of children living with an SUD was 11.9 million (Figure 3) and was estimated at 12.0 million, 12.1 million, and 12.2 million in 1999, 2000, 2001, respectively, and in 2013 and 2014, respectively.
Figure 2: Estimated Number of Children Aged 17 or Younger Living with an SUD, Alcohol Use Disorder, or Illicit Drug Use Disorder, by Type of Substance, United States, 2009–2014
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